Do you want to walk around in virtual reality freely ? The main contribution is to realize an efficient redirected walking (RDW) technique by utilizing haptic cues for strongly modifying our spatial perception. Some research has shown that users can be redirected on a circular arc with a radius of at least 22 m without being able to detect the inconsistency by showing a straight path in the virtual world. However, this is still too large to enable the presentation of a demonstration in a restricted space. Although most of RDW techniques only used visual stimuli, we recognize space with multi-modalities. Therefore, we propose an RDW method using the visuo-haptic interaction, and develop the system, which displays a visual representation of a flat wall and users virtually walk straight along it, although, in reality, users walk along a convex surface wall with touching it. For the demonstration, we develop the algorithm, with which we can modify the amount of distortion dynamically to make a user walk straight infinity and turn a branch freely. With this system, multiple users can walk an endless corridor in a virtual environment at the same time.
Keigo Matsumoto, Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Yohei Yanase, Tomohiro Tanikawa and Michitaka Hirose: Unlimited Corridor: Redirected Walking Techniques Using Visuo-Haptic Interaction, In SIGGRAPH 2016 Emerging Technologies, Jul, 2016. [doi]
Sep. 2016
Innovative Technologies
Mar. 2017
Japan Media Arts Festival, Entertainment Division, Excellence Award
Jul 24 - 28, 2016
Unlimited Corridor: Redirected Walking Techniques Using Visuo-Haptic Interaction, SIGGRAPH 2016 Emerging Technologies
Oct. 27 - 30, 2016
Japan Media Arts Festival, Entertainment Division, Excellence Award
Jan. 6, 2017
AERA 第30巻1号通巻1600号, pp.55-58, 世界を変えるニッポンの新技術,
Oct. 27, 2016
NHK BS 国際報道, Unlimited Corridor
Oct. 27, 2016
NHK ニュース シブ5時, Unlimited Corridor
Aug. 19, 2016
GIZMODO (Japanese), 無限に続くVR世界。東大が開発した「Unlimited Corridor」を体験してきた
Aug. 17, 2016
IamVR, Walking in Virtual Reality Redirected Walking Unlimited Corridor Trailer
Aug. 5, 2016
TechCrunch, How VR could have you walking in circles in future without knowing it
Aug. 1, 2016
The Verge, Here’s how you could walk forever in an infinite VR hallway
Jul. 31, 2016
Road to VR, ‘Unlimited Corridor’ Video Shows Mind Bending ‘Infinite’ Redirected Walking
May. 20, 2016
May. 15, 2016
PC watch, 森山和道の「ヒトと機械の境界面」
May. 15, 2016
MoguraVR, 自分の足でVR内を無限に歩き回れるシステム『無限回廊 – Unlimited Corridor』の動画が公開